Thursday, 30 April 2020

Rainy Days

The last few days have seen a return to more typical April weather with rain once again entering the picture. Although I have continued to take exercise walks opportunities to view wildlife were few and far between.

The Weldon pond, home to dragons and damsels.

On the 28th I added a Cormorant to my lockdown garden list but there was nothing else to report. The 29th saw me taking the well worn path to Weldon where a singing Sedge Warbler at the industrial estate was the highlight.

Female Azure Damselfly

Today I returned to Weldon during a drier spell where a lack of people meant it was safe enough to take a stroll around the pond. I wasn't really expecting to see any insect activity beyond a bumblebee or two so it was a surprise when a damselfly flew across the path in front of me. Tracking where it landed gave me the chance to note that it wasn't the expected Large Red but something else. A quick check revealed that it was a newly emerged female Azure Damselfly, only my second of the season. Soon after this sighting the clouds began to take on a more threatening look to them and so I headed home getting a bit of a soaking in the process.

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