Sunday 19 April 2020

That Was Decent

Hike time today after yesterday's inactivity as I made my way over to Priors Hall for a good look around. Needless to say all government advice relating to social distancing etc was followed though I did stay out a little longer than an hour. Only one other person was on site and that turned out to be fellow nature botherer Alan Shorrock, the first person I've talked to this month that wasn't either from my immediate family or a shop worker!

Priors Hall

Away from any nature related banter there was some actual nature to enjoy and it was good to catch up with some more Summer migrants. Both Lesser and Common Whitethroat were noted today and I also scored a hirundine double with both Swallow and Sand Martin seen. Despite looking I couldn't find any more birds of interest apart from a single Snipe.

Willow Warbler

Butterflies as they have done so often this month provided some interesting moments and I was delighted to find my first Grizzled Skipper of the year. Other species observed included many Orange-tips, at least one Green-veined and Small White, several Peacocks, two each of both Brimstone and Speckled Wood and also a single Small Tortoiseshell. It was interesting to note a little bit of behaviour today as I watched two different female Orange-tips fending off the unwelcome attentions of would be suitors.

Grizzled Skipper and frustrated male Orange-tip!

Today turned out to be excellent for Large Red Damselflies and I saw about 30 of which a few stopped long enough to let me take a pic or two. 2020 is definitely turning out to be a good Spring for this species and with the weather set fare for next week I'd expect further sightings and a possibility of seeing other species too perhaps.

Large Red Damselflies.

Other wildlife arousing a bit of interest included a couple of Muntjac and also a Grass Snake, Priors Hall is one of the best spots in the area for the latter species.

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