Saturday 4 April 2020

Bits and Bobs

Just a round up from the last couple of days when a gradual return to Spring brought a welcome increase in temperature. Yesterday's walk did not produce anything of note though my garden delivered a goody in the shape of a Curlew passing over. I don't see many in Northants never mind Corby so this was a welcome addition to my garden list.

Garden Robin and Peacock.

Todays amble took to me back to the area near the sewage works where a Kingfisher was the avian highlight. Sheltered spots out of the brisk breeze held a few butterflies though no new additions to the year list. Commonest was Peacock with five seen and then Small Tortoiseshells totalling three. Two Commas were also noted while the list was rounded off by a Brimstone. A second Brimstone was later seen in Corby Old Village as I made my way home.

Small Tortoiseshell and Brimstone.

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