Saturday 11 April 2020

Not My Best Walk

Quite a long walk today and not a great deal to show for the effort. I decided to go to Priors Hall and though I was out a bit longer than is ideal perhaps social distancing was not a problem as I didn't meet anyone whilst out.

Priors Hall

Somewhat optimistically perhaps I'd hoped that a Large Red Damselfly or two might have been tempted to emerge given the recent run of hot weather. If any had I certainly didn't see them despite spending an awful lot of time looking, then again it was over a week before my earliest record. Despite the weather there was not a great variety of butterflies at Priors either though there were plenty of Peacocks, this is turning out to be quite a Spring for them. One highlight amongst the butterflies was my first Green-veined White of the year, a very fresh looking individual posed nicely for a picture.

Green-veined White and spider.

Few birds of note though there is a very strong population of Willow Warblers here and well over twenty singing birds were heard. It looks as if at least one pair of Meadow Pipits may be on site, they certainly responded to a passing Kestrel as if they might have a nest site nearby.

Chiffchaff and Meadow Pipit.

My walk home added a few more butterflies to the list bringing the total to seven of which the highlight was perhaps a Holly Blue.

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