Friday 10 April 2020


A mini heatwave seems to be coinciding with the Easter holiday this year which would be marvellous if not for the very necessary lockdown measures in place. My brother and I would have been coming back from a birding trip to the Coto Donana today had things not taken such a sad and dangerous turn of events but if that's the worst of our troubles then so be it.

Brookfield views.

My exercise walk today took me once more to Brookfield Plantation where I had a very pleasant walk around in complete isolation. A small herd of Fallow Deer did not appreciate my visit as they ran noisily away along one of the rides. Birdwise not much has changed, the three warblers are all in good voice, no other species have arrived yet. Both kites and buzzards were enjoying the glorious weather and I heard at least one Raven.

Yes yet another Peacock but they are crackers.

Such nice weather proved to be much to the butterflies liking and Peacocks in particular were present in good numbers (10+). Highlight for me though was my first Speckled Wood of the year, I'd hoped to encounter this species here as it's a very good site for them. Other species seen today were Orange-tip (5), Small White (1) and Brimstone (2).

Speckled Wood

Back home in the garden my meagre bee list grew by one when I tentatively identified a Red Mason Bee surveying the gatepost for potential nesting sites.

Red Mason Bee

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