Sunday 13 December 2020

Rambling with Bramblings and a lot of rain

 Monday's encounter with a Tree Sparrow helped to decide what I did with myself today. Taking the bus over to Upper Benefield I hoped to encounter a few more of these attractive sparrows whilst walking along the minor road to Deenethorpe. My luck though was not with me unfortunately and I failed to see any whatsoever. Unlike my last two days off visibility was fine with no fog or mist to limit my horizons though almost constant rain made for some challenging conditions all the same.


Between Upper Benefield and Burn Coppice there was nothing of note except for a Brown Hare bounding off across the fields. I took a diversion along the bridleway near the coppice as I wanted to check the barns where I'd had some success with seed eating birds before. Near to the buildings I struck lucky as a quick check of a flock of finches revealed a minimum of six Bramblings, I suspect that there may well have been more. Even luckier perhaps was that the rain eased off long enough to let me get a couple of record shots, these were the only pics that I managed all day.

                                                        Another view of the Brambling.

At Deenethorpe village a Muntjac was seen in the poplar plantation while the inflow at Deene Lake held at least a couple of hundred Teals. In general the birds at Deene mirrored those seen on Monday with female Stonechat, a Kingfisher, the female Goldeneye and Black Swan still present. Shelduck numbers stood at eight again which suggests that I couldn't find most of them in Monday's fog when only one had been visible. By now the rain had gone from light drizzle to something altogether heavier and more unpleasant and my walk home failed to add anything else of note to the list. Thankfully tomorrow looks as if it may be sunny in parts and more importantly drier so my gear may at least get a chance to dry!

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