Sunday 6 December 2020

Another Foggy Sunday

 Corby was bathed in sunshine when I left this morning and so indeed was much of Northamptonshire as I made my way over towards Wellingborough. Unfortunately by the time I arrived a thick layer of fog had cloaked the embankment and remained for all of my stay. Needless to say this had a noticeable effect on my birding efforts and I struggled to find anything of note.


A pair of Stonechats near the weir were close enough to see and I enjoyed watching them as they fed amongst some teasels. Sadly there was very little else to report, at times I could barely see any water let alone birds!. On those few occasions when the fog lifted a little I managed to see a small selection of water birds but nothing too exciting. After a couple of hours I decided that things were unlikely to improve enough and so set off for home.

Foggy scenes

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