Saturday 19 December 2020

Christmas Hols

Today was the first day of my Christmas holidays and I marked the occasion by taking a trip over to Summer Leys. While it was far from the most interesting of visits I did at least manage to avoid the threatened showers.


Beginning at Mill Lake I was entertained by a pair of Stonechats near the lock, this is turning into rather a good spell for local ones. On the lake itself there was a good selection of common ducks and the usual multitude of Mute Swans but not much else. Hardwater Lake was almost devoid of birds though this may have been due to the high numbers of dog walkers passing close by.

Wigeons, Shoveller and Great White Egret

Summer Leys had plenty of birds but nothing much out of the usual. A Great White Egret was perhaps the best bird that I saw though a Bittern was noted here some time after I left. From Pioneer Hide a Cetti's Warbler was heard as it sang briefly from cover but I didn't manage to see it. Having completed a circuit of the reserve without seeing much else I decided to head back along the river. Whilst walking up Mill Lane towards the village I came across a small group of Chiffchaffs, at least three though possibly more. I managed to get a record shot of one but that was the last thing I did before going home.


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