Monday 14 December 2020

Blue Skies

 Nice to see some sunshine this morning and it certainly made for a pleasant stroll around the Oundle area for the first time in what feels like ages. I began at Barnwell CP before heading along the river bank and then going back into town.

                                                              Mute Swans and Cormorant.


Barnwell was a little on the quiet side with no surprises on offer, best birds were the several Chiffchaffs feeding in waterside vegetation. The usual cast of passerines were on offer with Nuthatches and Marsh Tits showing well and also small numbers of Siskins present. Both species of winter thrush were seen though there was little else of note. With neither Kingfishers or Otters showing I decided to leave the park to the dogs and head off along the Nene.

Nuthatch and Marsh Tit

Very little of interest to report other than a fly over Raven though the Barnwell Lock floods look extensive and had attracted quite a good sized flock of Wigeons as well as Shovellers. Hopefully more wildfowl might be tempted to join them over the next few months - some wild swans would be nice! I finished my day by dipping on the church's Peregrine though in fairness I don't know if it's been present this winter.

Red Kite and floody ducks.

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