Thursday, 24 December 2020

After the Deluge.

 With yesterday's rain having moved on it was nice to see some sunshine this morning even if it was a bit on the chilly side. Hoping to avoid some of the pre Christmas hysteria I went for a walk in the countryside around Upper Benefield. As has been the case recently things were a little on the quiet side but it was still better than having to listen to folks bitching about going into tier 3!

Brown Hare and Fallow Deer

The minor road to Deenethorpe  had several large puddles left over from yesterday and I had to time my walk to ensure that I wasn't soaked by passing cars. There were a few Meadow Pipits and Skylarks flitting about but not much else apart from a couple of Brown Hares which looked to be drying themselves in the morning sun. Moving on to the barns near Burn Coppice I was a little disappointed to note that the finch flock had moved on, probably trying to find somewhere sheltered out of the cold wind. I took a diversion up another footpath noting a single Fallow Deer feeding on the edge of a wood. Nearby a Raven croaked and I also saw a Brambling though I couldn't get a pic. 

Welcome sunshine and a Redwing.

On my walk back down the lane towards Benefield a single Golden Plover passed overhead but that was it as far as interesting wildlife went. On the plus side the looming clouds did not produce the dreaded rain and I at least managed to finish my walk as dry as I was when I started it.

Merry Christmas!

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