Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Bravo Brookfield

 Yesterday a combination of yucky weather and some Christmas shopping was enough to stop any wildlife spotting plans that I may have harboured. Happily the weather was somewhat better this morning and I sauntered along to Brookfield Plantation optimistically hoping to spot a Crossbill or two.


I began my trip by seeing two Grey Wagtails in the square outside my house, Grey Wags are regular visitors to the village. While venturing across the Charter Field I heard a Great Tit teacher teachering and a Song Thrush singing. On my way to the plantation I stopped to have a look for Peregrines and was lucky enough to find one at their favoured spot. Leaving the falcon behind I reached Brookfield soon after and began my very slow stroll through the wood. Both Carrion Crows and Magpies were vocal and several Jays were squawking, prize for most interesting corvid though went to a passing Raven. Several small parties of Siskins passed over and I also had a few Chaffinches too. Having walked the length of the public footpath I began to retrace my footsteps before pausing for a break at the crossroads. While enjoying a cup of tea a Crossbill flew over calling repeatedly and encouraged me to hang around a little longer in the hope of seeing more. No further luck with Crossbills followed though I did see a Grey Wagtail, both Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Red Kite. After a while I headed home getting a few brief views of  Fallow Deer as I did so.

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