Sunday 20 December 2020

Quiet Again

 Another day out with little to report though the weather was cracking if a little cold. My travels took me from Blatherwycke to Weldon and if interesting nature was in short supply at least I enjoyed the exercise!

Egyptian Geese and House Sparrows

Blatherwycke paid host to an array of the commoner wildfowl which included about twenty five Mandarins and two pairs of Egyptian Geese, I had several views of a Kingfisher while a singing Mistle Thrush provided a soundtrack. The walk from here to Deene was uneventful and so too was Deene itself. Shelduck numbers remained consistent at eight and there was a large flock of Teal again at their favoured spot near the inflow. Deenethorpe was quiet on the bird front but there was quite a lot of flying activity, perhaps people wanted to get a flight or two in before Christmas.

Teal and Shelduck

Very little else to report though I did see a Chiffchaff on the outskirts of Weldon though that really was a s good as it got before I got home. Hopefully the days ahead might bring something a little more interesting!

A nice day for flying!

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