Monday, 7 December 2020

For Fog's Sake

 The letter F featured strongly in any description of today as it was foggy, frosty and fu er I mean fairly cold. Much as it did yesterday the fog hung around for most of the day though unlike yesterday there were a few interesting things to look at. I repeated last Monday's walk to Deene and Deenethorpe returning via Weldon.

Frosty views.

A quartet of Fallow Deer were seen near Priors Hall and another couple were seen just minutes later. Along Kirby Lane a croaking Raven was the only thing of note as thick fog all but ruled out any actual bird watching. At Deene lake a female Stonechat was present near the dam and was possibly the one from last week seen nearby at Kirby Lane. Although much of the water was obscured by fog I did manage to see a female Goldeneye which was my first for this site. There was at least one Black Swan too and a Shelduck though no sign of the Whooper Swans reported yesterday. Two Kingfishers were seen along one of the channels near the dam but did not hang around long enough for any pics.

Fallow Deers and Goldeneye.

Deenethorpe Airfield payed host to several small flocks of Meadow Pipits and also a pair of Stonechats. Best bird was a fly over Crossbill and I also flushed a Common Snipe from close to the concrete track. Across the road along the public footpath a patch of cover crop had attracted both Yellowhammers and Reed Buntings and while looking through them I found a Tree Sparrow. I can't remember seeing one here before though there is a colony not too far away near Upper Benefield. Skylarks were also present in reasonable numbers though there was nothing else of interest seen during the rest of my walk.

Stonechat and Tree Sparrow

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