Wednesday 19 June 2024

Wood Warbler Still Singing.

 Some warm sunny spells after work saw me taking the bus down to Weldon from where I walked to Harry's Park Wood. Although my main focus was on insects I could not resist taking a look at the long staying Wood Warbler which continues to perform near the entrance to the site. I'll say one thing about birds that Shozzer finds - they sure have sticking power! Both the Priors Hall Waxwings and this character must have been seen by loads of admirers during their respective stays.

Wood Warbler and Southern Hawker

On the insect front things were marginally better than on recent outings though only just. Meadow Browns and Ringlets are beginning to appear while Speckled Woods remain active. Other sightings included a Green-veined White and a Large Skipper though the highlights were three Black Hairstreaks. These were present in a new part of the wood for me and included an egg laying female amongst them. Odes were a little under represented though the only one that I saw was pretty good as it was my first Southern Hawker of the year. Aside from the celebrity warbler the only birds of note were Raven and Tawny Owl.

Meadow Brown, Large Skipper and Black Hairstreak

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