Saturday 8 June 2024

Back To Harry's Again

 I agreed to do some butterfly survey work today in Harry's Park Wood to help monitor trends in the county's Wood White population. Initially the weather looked far from butterfly friendly and I delayed my arrival until around noon. My plan worked to some extent as the cloud did begin to break up leading to some long sunny spells though the cool north westerly wind persisted throughout the day. My efforts to find Wood Whites came to naught and indeed butterfly numbers were very low as the June slump began to bite.

Harry's Park view and Azure Damselflies

Shozzer's Wood Warbler is still holding court and attracting admirers close to the Bears Lane entrance. I didn't bother it today but heard it singing as I passed by.  Not many other birds of interest were noted other than a couple of Cuckoos. Ode numbers seemed lower than of late though I guess maturing individuals are returning to breeding sites leaving just a few Emperors and Broad-bodied Chasers as well as a few of the commoner damsels on site. Of the butterflies a Comma was the first to be seen near the entrance, small numbers of Speckled Woods were spread throughout the wood. Single Brimstone, Green-veined White and my first Black Hairstreak of the year made up the rest of the list. Not much else was on view other than a fleeting glimpse of a Common Lizard.

Black Hairstreak, G-v White and Brimstone.

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