Sunday 2 June 2024

Quick Return

 A complete contrast to yesterday with warm sunshine and blue skies providing a welcome alternative to yesterday's dross. I headed back to Harry's Park Wood where I hoped to catch up with some interesting insects. I didn't manage to see everything on my wish list but it was still a good way of passing a Sunday morning.

Brimstone and Wood White

Shozzer's Wood Warbler was still singing as I passed though I decided to carry on without stopping. Despite the sunshine there were not many butterflies to be found. Only Speckled Woods made it into double figures and most other sightings involved one or two individuals. Highlight was once again a Wood White though I believe this might have been a different butterfly to the one that I saw last weekend. Other species seen included Brimstone, Orange-tip, G-v White, Comma, Holly Blue and several Burnet Companion moths. Pick of the odes was an Emperor which I flushed our of its resting place in long grass. Other dragons included Four-spotted and Broad-bodied Chaser while damselflies included Azure.

Broad-bodied and Four=spotted Chaser

Not much by the way of other wildlife seen other than a couple of young buck Fallow Deer while other birds of note included Cuckoo. On my way out of the wood I could not resist taking a peek at the Wood Warbler and was treated to some great views before I left. A prior appointment meant that I couldn't hang around too long before I had to meet my wife for an anniversary dinner in the George.

Whitethroat and Wood Warbler.

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