Tuesday 11 June 2024

Lucky Break

 An after work visit to Glapthorn in the company of Alan Shorrock looked like it might be a bit of a duffer as cloudy conditions seemed to rule out the chance of any butterfly activity. Our hope was to catch up with the Black Hairstreaks for which this reserve is well known but this seemed unlikely as we entered the site. Well trampled patches of grass indicated the best spots to look for them but we needed better conditions to stand a realistic chance.

Black Hairstreaks

Luckily for us the sun did break through at one point and the results were almost instantaneous. At least six hairstreaks flitted down from the surrounding blackthorn to nectar on bramble blossoms. We enjoyed great views of them before the clouds moved back in sending the hairstreaks back up to the tops of the bushes. With the threat of impending rain looking more than likely we beat a hasty retreat and headed back towards Corby. A brief stop at Deenethorpe failed to produce anything of note.

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