Tuesday 3 October 2023

The Late Show

 A nice and sunny morning tempted me into taking the bus along to Weldon for a look around the Woodland Park. Even before I'd left Corby's Old Village a brace of Cormorants over the garden and several flyover Grey Wagtails insured that I'd surpassed yesterday's efforts. Although quite a strong breeze was blowing there were enough sheltered spots to suggest that I'd find a few insects on my travels.

Banded Demoiselle and Willow Emerald

Once I'd arrived at Weldon I opted to take a walk along the stream where I was lucky enough to encounter a male Banded Demoiselle. For some reason this site holds on to its demoiselles for longer than other places and this is the fourth year that I've had October records for a species that normally disappears in early September. Not that far away at the pond there were a few Common Darters, Migrant Hawkers and Willow Emeralds but the wind made for difficult viewing so I made my way to the Woodland Park.

Migrant Hawker and Speckled Wood

Plenty of Red Admirals were on the wing with thirty plus being seen most of which were nectaring on Ivy flowers. Joining the admirals was a late Speckled Wood and also a Comma. A sheltered hedge harboured many more Willow Emeralds and Common Darters as these late season specialists enjoyed the autumnal sunshine. A prior engagement meant that I couldn't hang around for that long and I caught my return bus a little after midday.

Red Admirals

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