Saturday 21 October 2023

Eyebrook Again

 The good stuff just seems to keep coming at Eyebrook, this morning nine Common Scoters and ten White-fronted Geese arrived joining the Cattle Egrets and both divers already on site. Such a shame then that Alan Shorrock and I arrived after the scoters, the geese and the Black-throated Diver had departed! The diver flew off in a south easterly direction which would have taken it over Northants, I'm guessing it would have been difficult getting that flyover accepted though..

Record shot dross, R-t Diver, Common Tern and Cattle Egret

On the plus side the weather situation was much improved and remained dry for the duration of our visit. We may have dipped on a clutch of goodies but the Red-throated Diver and the Cattle Egrets were still about though they were distant. The juvenile Common Tern is also still around, I hadn't seen it on my two previous visits but it's showing no inclination to move on just yet. Shozzer picked out a red tagged Marsh Harrier passing through and there were three Stonechats at the sharp end. Not much else to report but it's certainly been an eventful few days at the reservoir and I was glad to catch up with those divers. On the way home Alan and I checked out a few sites in the flooded Welland Valley where a pair of Mandarin Ducks were the only things of note.

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