Tuesday 17 October 2023

Record Breaker!

 A sunny morning was reason enough to tempt me into taking a bus along to Weldon this morning. After not seeing much in the way of insects yesterday I set out more in hope than in anticipation. There was a strongish easterly blowing so I had to seek out the more sheltered spots to stand any chance of success.

Banded Demoiselle and Willow Emerald

I began at the A43 pond where there was only a Grey Heron and some Gadwalls on view, moving swiftly on I went to the pocket park which was if anything even less interesting! A stroll along the stream near the Woodland Park then followed and this was where things most definitely picked up. Scanning the waterside vegetation on the opposite bank revealed a male Banded Demoiselle - my latest ever! This beats my previous record in 2017 by two days and shows just how hardy this species is.

Common Darter and ladybirds.

Around the nearby pond there was a number of Willow Emeralds active, I think there must have been ten or more of which all were males. Joining them were half a dozen Common Darters which as usual sought out the best basking spots. Several Red Admirals were seen battling against the breeze while the best birds were some Siskins. Not much else in the way of interest to report though there does seem to be quite a few ladybirds still about.

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