Thursday 19 October 2023

Babet's Bounty?

 An afternoon text from Phil Rogers alerted me to the presence of a Red-throated Diver at Eyebrook. After a quick call to inform Alan Shorrock we set off soon afterwards and arrived about ten minutes later. Phil was already watching the bird from near the car park and within moments we were watching it too. Always a scarce bird inland away from its breeding sites it's tempting to think that this bird was driven in by yesterday's inclement weather.

Red-throated Diver

We had a little taste of the wet stuff ourselves too as several squally showers blew in during our visit. Happily they were relatively brief and did not prevent us from getting good views of the diver through the scopes. While it was a little too distant for good pictures I did manage a few record shots, some of them are featured above. As the sky became darker and greyer we moved on hoping to find the two Cattle Egrets that had been reported here before the threatened rain came in. Both birds did show, an adult and an immature, quite well on the Leics bank between Hollyoaks Farm and the island. Although we didn't spend too long at the res we managed to get both Raven and Golden Plover before it got too dark.

Adult and immature Cattle Egrets

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