Sunday 29 October 2023

Sunny Sunday Birding

 A beautiful sunny morning to usher in the first day post B.S.T and I spent it wandering around some local sites. Beginning at Willowbrook Industrial before moving on to Priors Hall and then Weldon I enjoyed a reasonable selection of wildlife before the cloud moved in.

Skylark and Reed Bunting

Willowbrook was lively, lots of birds about even if none were that scarce. Plenty of Skylarks were moving around the site and good numbers of Meadow Pipit were present too. Both Reed Bunting and Yellowhammer put in an appearance and several Redpolls flew over. Proof of just how good the weather was came in the shape of several Common Darters basking in the sunshine.

Stonechat and Magpie

The North Gullet at Priors was fairly quiet apart from a singing Chiffchaff. Things were a bit better in the South Gullet where more Redpolls and a few Siskins were seen. Best bird was a female Stonechat which was my forth in the county this week, I think it's been a good autumn for this attractive species. Not much on the quarry lake though a drake Wigeon wasn't a bad sighting for this site. Further sightings of Redpolls and Siskins were had around the ponds, the combination of birches and alders suits these small finches rather well. More Common Darter activity here too with over thirty being noted and I also found a Willow Emerald and a Migrant Hawker. Clouds were beginning to move in and I decided to move on though not before I flushed my first Woodcock of the autumn from near the entrance. A brief look at Weldon failed to produce much other than a Red Admiral which gave me a brief view before it fluttered off.

Common Darter and Willow Emerald

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