Tuesday 30 March 2021

No Ifs, Some Butt's

 The lovely sunny spell continued today and the conditions were enough to tempt me out for a walk after work. I selected Weldon as my destination of choice and I was fortunate enough to enjoy a reasonable spell of butterfly watching.

Small Tortoiseshells and Comma

Several male Brimstones were sadly as camera shy as yesterday's example, one did land briefly but was off again before I could remove my lens cap. Luckily my first Small Tortoiseshells of the year included a couple of fairly obliging ones out of a total of at least three. Peacocks were again the commonest species with seven or eight on the wing while a trio of Commas were also noted. Among the other insects buzzing around were several Dark-edged Bee-flies which were my first of the year.

Toad and Dark-edged Bee-fly

Other wildlife included a Toad while the pick of the birds was a singing Blackcap at the A43 pond which was presumably Sunday's bird and I also saw several Siskins near the steelworks.

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