Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Not Quite There Yet

 A spell of sunshine this afternoon was enough to persuade me to take an after work stroll in search of butterflies. With time rather limited I took the short walk along to the area near the STW which can be productive on occasion.

Buff-tailed Bumble (Perhaps!)

Sadly there were no butterflies to be found and that may have been due to a lack of food sources, the willow blossoms are only a day or two away from opening however which should hopefully help. Not all insects shunned the sun though and several bumble bees were buzzing around at least one of which might have been a Buff-tailed. Very few birds of note with a singing Chiffchaff representing the new season and a couple of Redwings representing the old. Early this morning I'd heard a few migrating Redwings passing over before dawn so they are clearly on the move at the moment. It's always slightly sad to see them go but having said that I'm looking forward to spring's arrival.

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