Monday, 8 March 2021

Not Very Exciting

 A day in which there was a little sun, a little rain and also little to report! My walk today took me to the Welland Valley via Cottingham and it's perhaps just as well that I enjoyed the exercise because there was not much nature on view.

Brown Hares

Being a week day the traffic in town was very busy despite the latest lockdown and I tried to get out as quickly as possible. A short stop at the boating lake failed to produce a sighting of the drake Pochard, he may well have moved on. Apart from that brief diversion it was head down and walk for the most part and I managed to reach the countryside in about half an hour. My first sighting of interest was of three decidedly sane looking March hares taking a bit of a breather in a field near the driving range. From there it was rather a dull affair until I reached the Welland Valley.


Looking down to the lake below Cottingham sadly failed to produce a sighting of the Oystercatchers that have been seen here. Birds that were present included Teal and Wigeon and also a flock of mainly Black-headed Gulls. It was a largely uneventful walk from here onwards with the only exception being a Chiffchaff at the small STW near Rockingham. Brookfield and its surrounds delivered several sightings/hearings of Raven and some great views of kites. In the wood itself there was a flock of Siskins and also only my second Marsh Tits of the year. A drake Gadwall flushed from one of the ponds was a site rarity, at least one Teal was also seen. Bringing the walk to a reasonable conclusion was a Peregrine at its normal spot nearby.

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