Monday, 29 March 2021

Double Dipping

 For the first time this year I ventured out to the Nene Valley where the weather was sadly better than the birding! An attempt to see the long staying Glossy Ibis failed at both Thrapston and Aldwincle while an effort to see the Ring-necked Duck at Stanwick met with an equal lack of success.

Oystercatcher and Wigeon.

Although the ibis had put in an appearance at its favoured horse field near the A605 lay-by it had done a bunk just before we arrived. Few other birds were seen except for a pair of Oystercatchers and a Blackcap though a first Brimstone of the year was a nice find. Unfortunately he seemed too intent on finding a mate to stop so I couldn't get a photograph. From here it was on to Stanwick where I couldn't find the male Ring-necked Duck or much else really. Several Cetti's Warblers were my first of the year and so too was a Redshank. After this a quick return to the horse field turned out to be as unsuccessful as the first and it remained an ibis free zone.

Peacock and Comma.

Feeling that Aldwincle might be worth checking just in case resulted in another dip on the ibis, it had apparently visited here too but had done its now familiar disappearing trick before our arrival. Not a great deal else on view apart from a trio of Great White Egrets. Leaving the Nene Valley behind I returned to Corby where I had a wander around the scrubby area near the town's STW. Birds may have been a bit of a let down earlier but at least a few butterflies were playing ball. A minimum of eight Peacocks and three Commas were enjoying the afternoon sun taking my year list up to three species. Unlike the speeding Brimstone from this morning a few of these settled and I was happy to get a few pics. Not many birds around other than a Siskin while the Old Village hosted a Grey Wagtail.

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