Sunday 28 March 2021

Wind In The Willows (And Everywhere Else For That Matter!)

 Another Deene visit following the now familiar route via a few of Corby's industrial areas, Priors Hall and Weldon. In truth I could have saved my feet a lot of work if I'd gone no further than Priors Hall as most of the highlights were in or near Corby. A strong wind made for challenging conditions though thankfully it remained more or less dry.

Fallow Deer and Brown Hares

First highlight was a herd of Fallow Deer near to RS Components while the first birds of note were the now regular Ringed Plovers at their favoured spot. Small numbers of meadow Pipit were noted though most birds were keeping a low profile in the gusty conditions. There were two Brown Hares on the CBA's playing field, I was to see another at Weldon Park Wood. Checking the quarry at Priors Hall once again produced a decent bird in the shape of my first Little Ringed Plover which showed well though distantly.

Little Ringed Plover record shot and Meadow Pipit

Deene was dull with just a Grey Wagtail and at least eight Shelducks to report while nearby Deenethorpe airfield held a pair of Lapwings though little else. Returning via Weldon I stopped briefly at the A43 pond which produced a singing Blackcap and the usual selection of water birds. Final noteworthy bird of the day was another Grey Wagtail near to the town's STW.

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