Monday 26 October 2020

Low Key and Local

 Last day of my long weekend and I decided that if I was going to have another day of seeing not much I would at least do it locally! Choosing to go to the area near the sewage treatment works I had an enjoyable if predictably less than exciting walk around while trying to dodge the many showers.

Long-tailed and Blue Tits.

With shadows lengthening and more and more leaves falling Summer memories are fading fast and the day's birds spoke more of Autumn than of warmer times. This Autumn's first Teal at the site were flushed from one of the ponds by a low flying Buzzard. Similarly it look a low flying raid from a Sparrowhawk to show just how many passerines were on site. The marauding raptor's dashing arrival sent panicked flocks of Redwings and Goldfinches rushing skywards while the alarm calls of tits rang out. In common with previous visits small numbers of Redpolls and Siskins were noted while my first Bullfinches here for a while were also found. Once again the soundtrack to my visit was provided by the squawks of Jays and the ringing yaffle of Green Woodpeckers. With a fairly cool wind blowing and sunshine during my walk at a premium there was little other wildlife of note to report. 


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