Monday 19 October 2020

Late Dragons

 Somewhat brighter today though not quite as interesting as yesterday though I still enjoyed my walk. I had a stroll around parts of Willowbrook Industrial Estate before heading to Weldon.

kestrel and Yellow-legged Gull.

There was not a great deal on view at Willowbrook and I noticed that yet another piece of land appears to be on the verge of development. So sad to think of how good this area was for birding in the 1980's before most of it went under concrete. One highlight was a sub adult Yellow-legged Gull on the bare ground that was cleared last winter.

Great Spotted Woodpecker and Shoveller.

At the A43 pond a couple of Shovellers had joined the more usual water fowl, these really are quite scarce in the Corby area and this duo were only my second sighting at this pond. For the second day in a row I was lucky enough to record a Crossbill as one flew over in a SE direction. Several Siskins were also noted around the pond keeping company with a small charm of Goldfinches. By the time that I'd reached the pond near the Woodland Park the sun was shining which brought out a few dragonflies. The highlight was a fine male Southern Hawker which made a nice change from the many Migrants that I've seen recently. Several Common Darters were also noted and I also found a male Willow Emerald.

Southern Hawker, Common Darter and Willow Emerald.

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