Monday 5 October 2020

A Bit Better

 Today's weather was a little bit better than yesterday with some blue sky and sunshine peeking through in between showers. The birds too showed a slight improvement with quite a lot of movement in progress.

Brookfield Plantation and Pheasant.

Best bird of the day was also one of the first seen with a Crossbill being noted just after I arrived at Brookfield Plantation. It called several times before disappearing into the private part of the wood. A couple of Peregrines were also seen while several Grey Wagtails flew over, the first of what turned out to be a trickle of birds passing overhead. Also moving south were Skylarks and Meadow Pipits while lingering Summer visitors included Chiffchaffs, a Blackcap and a flock of House Martins. The farmland surrounding the plantation was fairly quiet though I did see a couple of Ravens and a small party of Redpolls. Another species showing in small numbers today was Siskin with several small flocks noted during the morning.


Not much in the way of other wildlife was on view, a Southern Hawker was hunting along one of the rides while a Muntjac was heard bearking in the plantation.

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