Monday 12 October 2020

Short Morning Walk

 With the sky looking a little on the grey side and sunshine seemingly at a premium I decided to stay local so that I could get home quickly if the threatened rain began to fall. I chose to head over to the area close to the sewage treatment works for a spot of Autumn birding.

Grey Wagtail

The morning seemed to feel quite birdy with a lot of activity even if there was nothing that scarce on view. Birds passing overhead included Skylarks, Meadow Pipits and Starlings while a Green Sandpiper was a nice site record. Small parties of Redpolls and Siskins were also on the move with several flocks of each pausing at the ponds before continuing their journey. Amongst the resident birds the harsh shrieks of Jays and a couple of yaffling Green Woodpeckers were certainly the noisiest if not the most visible. Rather a lot of Chaffinches were on view as well as a Bullfinch while Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail were seen along the stream.

Another view of Grey Wagtail.

Not too much other wildlife to report though at one point I found myself between two barking Muntjacs which continued their loud conversation for at least five minutes.

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