Thursday 22 October 2020

Going to the Dogs

 First day of my five day weekend and I was lucky enough to see some long periods of sunshine. I was not quite so lucky with my choice of destination however as I opted to go to the dog paradise of East Carlton Park. Although I'd hoped that a mid week visit might see a reduction in the pooch quota I was to be proved wrong and failed to find any of the hoped for Bramblings as a veritable pack of mutts were galloping around.

Red Kite and Peregrine

Not much of anything really in the park aside from the usual woodland species with Nuthatch, Marsh Tit and a Redpoll the highlight. After a quick dash around I chose to cut my losses and headed off along the Welland Valley. Once again I found little of note, some Siskins near Middleton and a Southern Migrant Hawker near Rockingham were the pick.

Common Darter and Comma.

The flooded quarry near Brookfield Plantation added Common Darters and a Migrant Hawker to my day list and also more sightings of both Siskins and Redpolls. It was very quiet in the plantation itself apart from a Comma though I did see a Peregrine nearby at one of their favoured spots.

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