A blowy old day with a strong wind coming form the south west which at least made for a mild time of things. Squally showers and sunny periods were the order of the day as I walked from Bears Lane at Weldon and back via Deene, Deenethorpe and Priors Hall.
Red Kite and Kestrel. |
Things were a bit on the quiet side for much of the morning and I suspect that many birds were sheltering from the gale. An early highlight was a Brambling seen from the public footpath near Harry's Park Wood and it was possibly the same bird seen on a previous visit. The inflow at Deene Lake held three Green Sandpipers as well as many Teal while the main lake had retained the Egyptian Geese seen on my last visit. There seemed to be a lot of Skylarks and Chaffinches today as well as a smaller number of Meadow Pipits though for the most part the birdlife appeared to be keeping a low profile.
Willow Emeralds. |
My arrival at Priors Hall coincided with a period of sunshine and in areas sheltered from the wind I had an excellent time watching a small assortment of dragons and damsels. Highlight were my first ever November damselflies as I found at least four single male Willow Emeralds as well as two ovipositing pairs. Also a first for November was a male Southern Hawker which hung around long enough for a picture, sadly a Migrant Hawker was not so obliging. Commonest species was appropriately enough Common Darter with good numbers on site. I never thought that I'd see four species of ode in November but with temperatures hitting the heady heights of seventeen degrees perhaps it shouldn't have come as such a surprise.
Southern Hawker and Common Darters |
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