Thursday 1 October 2020

Afternoon Sunshine

 Conditions looked rather good when I finished work this afternoon so I opted to take a stroll around the pond at Weldon to see whether any dragons or damsels were about. Although numbers were low I did manage to find a few species active in the afternoon sunshine.

Willow Emerald and Common Darter.

My walk along the stream failed to produce any sightings of Banded Demoiselle and it seems likely that their season has finished. Not all damselflies have given up however as one or two Willow Emeralds were active around the pond. If the weather stays mild they may well continue until the the end of the month. Several Common Darters were basking in the sunnier spots and there were also two Migrant Hawkers. While scanning likely looking spots with the bins I found a nice male Southern Hawker doing a spot of basking of its own. Four species at the beginning of October is not a bad return and it may be difficult to match this again until next Spring.

Migrant and Southern Hawkers.

Not much else to report apart from a Kingfisher and a Grey Wagtail, the best thing in the air being a Spitfire.

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