Sunday 4 October 2020

Dreary And Drizzly Dross Has Me Seeing Red

 For the second weekend in a row the weather took a turn for the dank and dreary as drizzle dominated for much of the day. Despite the awfulness I decided to venture out, I only get two days off after all and I didn't want to waste it indoors. For most of my damp stroll however I wished that I had opted for that staying inside kind of thingy but a late rally saved the day from being a total wash out.

A damp and dreary Priors Hall.

Willowbrook Industrial Estate offered little of interest, an increase in Skylark numbers and a few Chiffchaffs were the only birds of note while a Fallow Deer was the only other wildlife on view. Continuing on to Priors Hall did not initially bring any more success until I reached the birches next to the stream, Here a large flock of Redpolls numbering forty or more were noted suggesting that this might be a decent winter for them. Also noted were a small number of Siskins, more were heard around the ponds.

Buzzard having a stretch.

By the time I'd reached the largest pond the drizzle had finally stopped and a few more birds appeared. At least twenty Redwings were my first of the Autumn as was a Water Rail calling from the depths of a reedbed. A Kingfisher made a flying visit before I decided to bale out, while leaving the site a Migrant Hawker was defying the conditions and hunting around the alders.

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