Monday 29 October 2018

A Bit of Birding at Barnwell.

Sunny but cold today though it was pleasant enough if you avoided the shade. I decided to have a walk around Barnwell CP where I hoped the battalions of kiddies had gone back to school. Luckily that proved to be the case and I enjoyed my stroll around the park.

Barnwell view and Egyptian Goose.

Kingfishers were very active today though sadly they didn't seem to want to settle. Nuthatches on the other hand were very obliging and showed very well from Lowlands Hide. There was also a good number of tits seen from here that included several Marsh Tits. Other passerines included Siskins as the good autumn for this species continues.

Nuthatch and Marsh Tit.

At least half a dozen Mandarins had returned and there was also an Egyptian Goose near the mill. Amongst the other ducks on view a female Teal was the rarest as I don't see many here. A trio of Shovellers were also present, Barnwell often holds small numbers of this attractive species in the winter.

Shovellers, Robin and Dunnock.

Despite the chill I managed to find several Common Darters though it's beginning to look as if the other species' season may have finished. Other wildlife on view included a Brown Rat next to the Kingfisher café which made my choice of a few pints in The Ship Inn seem all the more sensible!

Grey Squirrel and Common Darter.

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