Saturday 20 October 2018

Down by the Riverside.

A day off work gave me the chance to get out and about and as the weather looked pretty good I chose to walk along the Nene at Oundle again. Although nothing too exciting was on offer it was still an enjoyable experience.

Oundle views.

My walk produced the usual river suspects and these included several Kingfishers. Plenty of Skylarks going through and there were good numbers of Meadow Pipits. A small party of Siskins were seen near Ashton Mill and there seemed to be a higher than usual number of Grey Wagtails in the area. One of the highlights of today was my first Fieldfares of the autumn, a flock of about fifty were seen near to Lower Barnwell Lock.

Heron and Red Kite.

Barnwell CP was predictably busy with people enjoying the weather but there was still wildlife to enjoy. Several Redpolls were heard and I heard yet another Kingfisher. A pair of Gadwalls were my first here for some time but I couldn't find any Mandarins, too many people perhaps?

Grey Wagtail, Blue Tit and drake Gadwall.

I couldn't find any Willow Emeralds but there were Common Darters and at least two Migrant Hawkers. Not much else really although I did see a Brown Rat which at least made a change from the more usual squirrels.

Male Common Darter.

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