Monday 15 October 2018

Kinging in the Rain

A second day of rain that promised yet  another total wash out but as I didn't want to be stuck indoors again I chose a place to visit that could provide some shelter. That place turned out to be Barnwell CP where I spent the time moving between the hides.


Barnwell is a nice area to walk around but seldom provides many birds of note and today was no different. The usual selection was on view and that included several prolonged if rather distant views of Kingfisher. Nuthatch showed well too as indeed did the normal passerines.

Drake Mandarin and Robin.

Several Mandarins were in their usual spot and at least one drake showed very well from the Kingfisher Hide. A small number of Siskins were present but there was little other sign of migration though a Grey Wagtail may possibly have origins elsewhere.

Dunnock and one legged Chaffinch.

Very little else of note with just a few Grey Squirrels and a Rabbit to report.


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