Wednesday 17 October 2018

Welcome Back

After three days with not even a glimpse the sun made a very welcome return to the picture today. I celebrated by taking an after work walk down to Weldon where I wanted to see if there was any dragonfly activity.

Weldon scene.

Happily for me there was at least half a dozen Common Darters around the pond though they were outnumbered by a good number of Migrant Hawkers and joined by what is probably the same camera shy male Southern Hawker from last week. The Common Darters were basking on any heat reflective surface and at one point a male decided that my trainer looked inviting. Of the Migrants at least two females were ovipositing and while doing so were abducted by males. On both occasions the females did not complete the malting wheel and managed to escape.

Common Darter and Migrant Hawker.

Several Redwings were seen, there have been a few nocturnal migrants passing over on the less cloudy nights and small parties of Siskins were passing through. A Chiffchaff was calling in the village and both kites and buzzards showed well.

Buzzard and Siskin.

With the weather forecast for the coming weekend looking decidedly more promising I'm hoping for a decent couple of days spotting.

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