Sunday 28 October 2018

Nice Day For a Walk

Wintery winds have arrived over the last couple of days to give everyone a foretaste of what's to come. Today however, once the early morning showers had moved on, proved to be a bit of a cracker with some beautiful sunshine to enjoy.

Blatherwycke view and Fieldfare.

I began my day at Blatherwycke where large numbers of both Greylags and Canada Geese were feeding in neighbouring fields. Unusually for this site I couldn't find any Mandarins though there were at least two Egyptian Geese present. Not much of note on the lake though several Redpolls passed over. Both Skylarks and Meadow Pipits were noted though it's difficult to know whether these were migrants or wintering birds.


At the nearby churchyard I didn't find any Hawfinches but the place was alive with birdlife. Thrushes in particular were present in good numbers drawn to the many Yew berries. Commonest were Fieldfares though Mistle Thrushes and Redwings were also seen. Plenty of Greenfinches and Chaffinches were also feeding in the churchyard while many Red Kites were soaring above.

Speckled Wood and Small Coppers.

Between here and Priors Hall there was not a great deal to report with little on view at Deene Lake. A Raven was noted near the golf course at Priors Hall and a few Siskins were heard but few birds were seen. Despite the cooler conditions there was a bit of insect activity which included many Common Darters. A few butterflies were seen too with at least four Small Coppers and a Small Tortoiseshell being joined by a late Speckled Wood. I'm hoping that some of these darters might make it into November and keep the season going for a little longer.

Common Darters.

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