Monday 1 October 2018

Yet More Damsel Dipping

Yet another failed attempt to catch up with Willow Emeralds in the county beginning at Barnwell CP and then taking in Weldon. Sadly both locations failed to deliver the goods and indeed Weldon failed to produce much of anything at all.

Barnwell CP looking lovely in the sunshine.

Plenty of Common Darters were active around Barnwell with many now searching out heat reflective surfaces as temperatures begin to fall. Still a few Migrant Hawkers about, I think it's fair to say that this pair of species will provide most of the sightings from now on. Very few butterflies were noted with just a Comma and a Speckled Wood on show.

Migrant Hawker and Comma.

While autumn is slowly beginning to take hold there are still plenty of traces of summer left to enjoy. House Martins are still present in the Old Village here in Corby while Barnwell had Sedge Warbler and Chiffchaff. Some migration is clearly taking place too with a few Siskins passing overhead while a Grey Wagtail may have been a migrant too. Plenty of Mandarins were hiding out in their favoured spot near the Kingfisher hide though the scarcest bird here was a Dabchick. Hard to believe but this is the first one that have seen here since I started visiting regularly a few years ago. Not much else to report, it could be that we may need a change of wind to bring more winter visitors in.

Dabchick and Great Tit.

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