Friday 13 May 2022

Wicksteed Delivers Damsel Delights

 After a welcome if not necessarily healthy breakfast in the Samuel Lloyd pub in Corby Alan Shorrock and I ventured out to Wicksteed Park in Kettering. Our main focus were the Variable Damselflies which have colonised this site and which have already been reported from here this year. Although there was a brisk and rather cool westerly breeze blowing and despite the fact that it wasn't as sunny as the forecast had suggested we enjoyed plenty of success.

Variable, Red-eyed and Common Blue Damselfies.

Nettles between the main and fishing lake were sheltering plenty of damselflies including lots of tenerals. Variable Damselfies were probably the commonest species though most of the newly emerged individuals appeared to be Red-eyeds. Other species sharing the nettle patches included Common Blue, Azure and Blue-taileds. It was good to see so many Variables at what is their best site in the county and we saw a variety of ages as well as both male and females. The fishing lake itself was rather exposed to the breeze and not quite so productive though I did find some Banded Demoiselles between the lake and the River Ise and we also saw a couple of Hairy Dragonflies.

Green-veined White and Small Tortoiseshell.

There was not a huge variety of butterflies on the wing though it was good to see Holly Blues at yet another site. Other species noted included Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Brimstone, Orange-tip and Green-veined White. Birdwise it was quiet though I caught up with my first Swifts of the year and also heard a Cetti's Warbler.

New lives.

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