Monday 9 May 2022

Garden First

 I'm on afternoon shift this week and so had some time to catch up on a little gardening. Normally I wouldn't bore you with such details but while getting to grips with the weeds I heard a sylvia warbler singing from a hawthorn bush in a garden next to mine. The song was unfamiliar to me, a subdued collection of notes which were more of a subsong than a full blown performance. Having popped into the house to get my camera I was eventually able to get a few pics which revealed that the mystery songster was in fact a Whitethroat. A rather unexpected addition to my urban garden list but a welcome one nonetheless. I wonder if its subdued performance was down to it being a little misplaced or the fact that it was feeding in a bush containing a very active Magpie's nest? This particular bush has attracted the odd passage warbler in the past which have included Lesser Whitethroat and Blackcap, perhaps a Garden Warbler might be next to pop up ? Now that would be appropriate!


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