Friday 27 May 2022

Scarce Chasers And Co

 Alan Shorrock and I took advantage of the sunny weather to do a spot of ode spotting. We began at Barnwell CP before moving on to Deenethorpe enjoying a decent session in the process. Good numbers of both dragons and damsels were braving the blustery conditions and Barnwell in particular supported a good variety.

Scarce Chasers.

Highlight at the park were several Scarce Chasers, there were at least two of the beautiful immatures and also a mature male on territory. Other dragons included a few Four-spotted Chasers and a couple of Hairy Dragonflies. We couldn't find any Variables today but still managed a good haul of other species. Commonest were the Banded Demoiselles and Red-eyed Damselflies in waterside vegetation but decent numbers of Azures and Blue-tailed were also present. Least common were the three Common Blues failing to live up to their name and a single Large Red. Not too much other wildlife to enjoy though a Cetti's Warbler was heard singing and Alan saw a brood of Mandarin Ducks.

Barnwell ode selection

Our main target at Deenethorpe were White-tailed Damselflies and we were successful in our efforts as we found two. Other species in the same area were Banded Demoiselle and Large Red and Azure Damselflies. not much other wildlife on view other than a tatty Peacock which was presumably a veteran from last year.

White-legged Damselflies.

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