Saturday 21 May 2022

Slow Going

 Alan Shorrock and I had a far from interesting day split between Eyebrook Reservoir and Geddington. After a cloudy and rather cool start conditions improved leaving a fine and sunny afternoon. With bird migration beginning to slow down are attentions are drawn more towards insects and there were a couple of interesting ones to save the day from complete failure.

Buzzard with mobbing Magpie and Broad-bodied Chaser

Eyebrook was really rather dull and an Osprey carrying an impressively large fish over the bridge was the only real star. Plenty of Swifts and Common Terns were feeding over the water but that really was that and we left without adding much of interest to our day list. Our travels then took us to the fringes of Geddington where we took a stroll towards the Chase. A first stop at the Brickyard Garden turned out to be quite decent and we saw our first Broad-bodied Chaser of the year. The female was pretty cooperative and allowed us to take some good photos. Other insects here included Holly Blue and Orange-tip while a Common Blue butterfly was seen nearby. Whilst walking on the edge of the Chase Alan spotted a Painted Lady which was my first in the county this year. Unfortunately it didn't settle but it's beginning to look as if this may be a good year for them so hopefully more obliging individuals will follow soon. Little else to report apart from a Small Heath seen on the outskirts of the village.

Holly and Common Blues

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