Wednesday 18 May 2022

Frampton Stints

 I enjoyed an after work visit to Frampton Marsh today in the company of my brother and we not only managed to see a few good birds but also avoided a soaking from the forecast rain. In fact it was sunny when we arrived and the light conditions were fine though things did deteriorate the longer we were there.

Spoonbills and Temminck's Stint

Good birding began almost immediately with a sighting of two adult Spoonbills seen from the visitor centre and to make things better they were awake! We didn't linger too long in this area however and made our way along to the sea wall from where a Temminck's Stint had been reported. Luckily for us it didn't take too long before this diminutive cracker showed giving us some good and prolonged views. It's been quite a while since my last sighting of a Temminck's so I was more than happy to watch this one feeding. Doubling our stint quota was a Little which showed well though distantly on the salt marsh. A third wader of note was a Curlew Sandpiper which if anything was even further away than the Little Stint but we did get decent views through the scopes. With the grey clouds beginning to loom threateningly and the first little spots of rain beginning to fall we did not hang around for much longer but both of us were happy with our tally. One final thing of note were the half a dozen or so Painted Ladies that were seen suggesting that this may be a good year for them.

Little Stint and Curlew Sand record shots and Painted Lady

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