Sunday, 22 May 2022

Blank Cheque

 My plan was to visit Fineshade Wood today in the hope of seeing the re-introduced Chequered Skippers that were first released in 2018. Although their site had been kept a secret the location was made public earlier this year confirming what many local naturalists already suspected or knew. With the weather looking more than suitable I duly made my trip and enjoyed sunny skies and plenty of warmth though not, I'm sad to report, any Chequered Skippers! 

Red Admiral and Painted Lady

While it may still be a day or two too early for them I was slightly annoyed to find that many of the grassy rides that I'd hoped to check were closed off. This will no doubt benefit the skippers but will not help any would be observers. As it was I had to stick to the main paths and with cyclists, dog walkers and joggers etc for company made my failed attempt to see our exciting new arrivals. Although I failed to see the main attractions I did manage to find singles of both Dingy and Grizzled Skippers. The former did a bunk before I could record the event but the Grizzled did me proud. My first Red Admiral of the year was a welcome find and I was also glad to photograph a Painted Lady in the county. Other species noted today included Speckled Wood, Green-veined White, Orange-tip, Brimstone and Peacock. There were several day flying moths to enjoy too and these included Mother Shipton and Cinnabar.

Grizzled Skipper and Mother Shipton

Best birds were a male and female Cuckoo which were heard calling during most of my visit. Another bird calling was a Raven though this was it as far as interest was concerned as there were no other avian highlights to report. The rides hosted good numbers of Common Blue Damselflies and at least two Azures while a second Broad-bodied Chaser of the year was appreciated. By now my lift was on the way so it was time to put my papillos and camera back in the backpack and head for home.

Cinnabar, Brimstone and Broad-bodied Chaser

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