Saturday 5 March 2022

Welcome Back

 Another local walk today and I'm glad to report that the weather was (slightly!) better than yesterday. My walk took me to the A43 pond at Weldon before I visited several industrial sites in the town.

Stonechat and Yellowhammer.

Grey Wagtails were seen both in the Old Village at also near the steelworks where a large flock of Siskins were also noted. At the A43 pond a quartet of Canada Geese were present and the Dabchicks are also back, this is a regular breeding site for them.

Ringed Plover

My travels then took me to a site where Ringed Plovers were present last year and I'm happy to say that at least three have returned. Talking to another observer it seems as if up to four were seen there last weekend. Let's hope they have a successful season this year, either way I'll be keeping an eye on them. Nearby at Willowbrook Industrial Estate two male Stonechats were present near the pond. The large flock of Yellowhammers are still on site, I guess there are at least twenty here at the moment. A croaking Raven was my first here for a while and I also noted a large number of gulls moving through. No other interesting sightings to report though I'm hoping that things are picking up as Spring migration begins to kick in.

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