There are always signs that Spring is taking a hold on the land, some are eagerly anticipated and others less so. Whatever they are, be it those first lambs bounding about the fields, singing Chiffchaffs, the local chavs baring their pallid pink xylophone chests or the first butterflies of the year each one marks a step in the right direction. It was a search for the latter that prompted an after work saunter over to the area near the STW.
A singing Chiffchaff was moving around the area as it hunted for food while a pair of high flying Buzzards were not so high that they didn't trigger some alarm among the local passerines. My search for butterflies was not easy going, there are few sources of nectar available at the moment but I did eventually find a Comma. Happily it posed quite nicely and this or another was seen a little later on. Despite spending a fair amount of time looking for more my efforts met with no further success. Hopefully more will come in the near future as the weather looks set fair for the next few days.
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