Saturday, 12 March 2022

Chiffchaffs Arrive

 A morning spent in the Oundle area included a walk around Barnwell CP where Spring sunshine made for a pleasant experience. Although I had hoped to see a butterfly or two I had to settle for what seems like a good arrival of Chiffchaffs with at least half a dozen birds singing.

Chiffchaff and Great Crested Grebe

At Barnwell CP a Great Crested Grebe was my first here for several years, they have bred here in the past so hopefully this individual will attract a mate. I saw a pair of Mandarins near Kingfisher Hide and once again heard a Cetti's Warbler singing. As I hinted at earlier Chiffchaffs appear to have arrived in numbers and I was treated to some excellent views as a confiding bird that posed for some time before moving on. Soon to be heading in the opposite direction were a flock of Redwings looking for worms on the grass near the visitor centre. By now the park was getting quite busy as the good weather drew the people out and I decided to head out along the Nene.

Mandarin and Red Kite.

There is still plenty of floodwater which is attracting a similar selection of birds as on my previous visits. Plenty of Wigeon remain and they still include the leucistic bird within their ranks. Today it was fairly close and I actually managed to get a reasonable pic or two. Healthy quantities of Teal are still here and so too are twenty or so Shovellers. Lapwings were the commonest waders and they were joined by two Redshanks and a quartet of Snipe. No sign of anything else yet but there's plenty of time for things to change.

Redshank record shot and leucistic Wigeon.

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